Part 6 of 7 of this Blog Series by Warren Sager. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 7.

After moving to Louisiana, the heart of football country, I became a fan of college football – specifically LSU, where my son attended.  Being a student of business, I was amazed at how similar football is to business and now I frequently use football references to coach businesses. Here are 7 ways your football knowledge can increase your business success.

#6 Recruit

One critical factor in winning games doesn’t happen on the field; in fact, it usually happens in the off-season: recruiting. 

The start to any successful team is to surround A-players with more A-players.  You don’t win football games unless you’re recruiting A-players and the same applies to your business.

  • Do you have a recruiting plan for your company?
  • Do you know each and every role in the company and where you might have a weak spot that needs to be improved by recruiting an A-player?
  • Are you putting the right effort into targeting and hiring the A-players you need to win?

Invest more time into recruiting A-players.

Ready to lead your team to the championship? Contact Assured Strategy today to learn more and take advantage of a Free Coaching Session.

Warren Sager

Assured Strategy is a Business Strategy Coaching Firm that focuses on Strategic Coaching, Executive Coaching, Performance Coaching, and Leadership Training throughout North America with the experience to help companies succeed and grow. Assured Strategy’s coaches educate and mentor CEOs and executive teams in people, strategy, execution, cash, leadership and team building, and the company has represented more than 250 businesses. Assured Strategy offers business strategy coaching, workshops, webinars, leadership groups, employee assessments, and business process improvement services to empower its clients to think strategically and effectively execute their business objectives. For more information, browse our website or call (702) 421-3212.