Strategy Sherpa ™
Thought Leadership

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Strategy Sherpa ™
Thought Leadership

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Great leaders are readers. Our coaches methodically build their skill sets; from that we share tips and resources to help you grow your organization. We openly share ideas and resources we use in our coaching programs.

Focus is the Key to Leadership

One of the most crucial traits a leader needs is effective focus, directing their time and energy towards strategic decision-making..

Belonging vs. Fitting

In a poignant moment, an executive team member revealed how fear of being an outcast led him to suppress his..

Recruiting is Marketing

If you’re not treating recruiting as one of the top priorities of your business, you’re probably missing out on a..

To Grow, You Gotta Know

Company growth does not need to be as complicated as we might think. But, to get the results we want..

Give Daily Wins

I’ve been noticing that everyone is experiencing more chronic stress right now than they were prior to 2020. Increased stressors..

Personal Accountability

If you want an accountable organization, there is only one place to start – with you – the leader!  Let’s..

Be Accountable By Being At Cause

Cause and effect sound obvious. There’s a cause, and then there’s an effect. Something happens and that causes something else..

Accountability vs Micro-Managing

Recently I had a conversation with a leader who challenged my perception on the difference between employee accountability and micro-managing...

Process Improvement Planning

When it comes to improving operations, companies often jump in with both feet before they have developed a strategic process..

Core Values Can Hurt You

If you’re like most growth company executives, you know a lot about core values. You know that core values are..

Trust My Employees – What for?

My Boss: “You need to start trusting your employees!” Me: “What for?  They’re continually letting me down!” My Boss: “Unless..

Two Disruptive Patterns

Change them and make employee engagement the norm During a recent Operational GAP Assessment I discovered that our client, like..

Be Bold: Unstoppable Adonis

One of the ways to bring your company’s core values to life is to notice real-world examples of those core..

Leadership Starts with You

The answer to any leadership challenge starts from within. The difference between a good leader and a great leader lies..

Leadership 101: Know Thyself

As a leader one of the foundational aspects of working with others is knowing yourself. Recently I was involved in..

Why is Delegation So Hard?

How your DISC behavior profile may be a factor At a recent leadership training session, the management team brainstormed ways..

How to #6 Monitor Change

At the last blog, How to #5 Implement Change, I covered the execution of the Change Management Plan.  Now we..

How to #5 Implement Change

Hi I’m back to share my thoughts on Implementation & Training (building awareness) of the Change Management Plan. In my..

The Mighty Middle Market Climbers

Middle Market Trends Overall company performance in the middle market has improved significantly according to 72% of middle market organizations..

Business Systems Equal Success

Many organizations require business systems to run smoothly. One spring afternoon at Disneyland, I watched people enjoying the Davy Crockett..

Dynamic Coaching

Reasons to Choose
Assured Strategy

Our team of coaches and support staff are uniquely trained and qualified to help coach you in the areas you need to succeed. We leverage the Scaling Up program and tailor our solutions and tools to best suite your needs.

  • 3x Annual ROI in 90 Days Guarantee

  • Scaling Up Certified Coaches

  • We are EO, Vistage, and Keynote Speakers

  • Proven Track Record of Success

Experienced Coaches

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive backgrounds in process improvement across various industries.

Customized Solutions

We understand that one size does not fit all. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of your business.

Proven Track Record

We have a proven history of helping businesses transform their operations, leading to measurable improvements in performance and profitability.

Comprehensive Support

From initial analysis to implementation and beyond, we provide ongoing support to ensure your success.

Dynamic Coaching

Why choose
Assured Strategy

Our team of coaches and support staff are uniquely trained and qualified to help coach you in the areas you need to succeed. We leverage the Scaling Up program and tailor our solutions and tools to best suite your needs.

  • Scaling Up Certified Coaches

  • We are EO, Vistage, and Keynote Speakers

  • Proven Track Record of Success

Experienced Coaches

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive backgrounds in process improvement across various industries.

Customized Solutions

We understand that one size does not fit all. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of your business.

Proven Track Record

We have a proven history of helping businesses transform their operations, leading to measurable improvements in performance and profitability.

Comprehensive Support

From initial analysis to implementation and beyond, we provide ongoing support to ensure your success.